How To Get Better Results When Painting Your Home's Exterior

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Choosing The Right Color For My Walls

After we moved into our first home, we realized that the color that was on the walls had to go. Although we had initially thought that it was a beige color, the more we looked at it, the more we realized that it had heavy pink undertones. We decided to paint over the color, but we weren't sure how to get started. However, after working with a painter, we had a better idea of what would look nice. He was kind enough to paint a few large patches of color on the walls of our home, and it made a huge difference. This blog is all about working with a professional painter and choosing the right color for your home.


How To Get Better Results When Painting Your Home's Exterior

21 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Painting the outside of a house is a big, time-consuming job. Most people decide to hire a professional to do the work. However, it is possible to DIY your exterior painting job if you have the time and skills necessary to do so. Here are some tips to follow to ensure you get good results and a uniform, attractive appearance. 

Wash and Scrape the Home First

Don't just grab a gallon of paint and start painting. First, you need to prepare the home's exterior surface to take paint. A good way to start is by power washing. This will rinse off most of the loose paint. Let the home dry for a day or two after you power wash it, and then use a paint scraper to remove any remaining loose chips. The more you remove, the better. If the paint is flaking off, painting over it won't hold it in place for long.

Sand Down Rough Spots

Are there any areas where the wood has become chipped or scratched? Take a piece of rough-grit sandpaper to these areas. Then, finish them with some fine grit sandpaper. This will help ensure the paint job looks even and the paint does not end up accumulating over those rough spots.

Use Primer

Spend the money on a good-quality primer. It will ensure the paint goes on evenly and smoothly. You will fight with your paint a lot less when you have first applied primer. 

Start at the Top

It can be tempting to start at the bottom where the painting is easy. But you will generally get better results if you start at the top of the house and work your way down. This approach will prevent you from accidentally dribbling paint down onto your already-finished sections. Plus, it gives you some time to practice painting on the high-up areas that are harder to see before you start painting the more visible, lower parts of the house.

Apply Two Coats

Even if one coat looks okay, which it may if you used a good primer, take the time to go over the home with a second coat of paint. This will cover any areas where the paint is thin and also make the results more durable.

If you follow these tips, you should get better results when painting your home exterior. It's a big job, but with patience and the right tools, you can handle it. Contact a local service to learn more about exterior painting.